Sunday 17 June 2012

Kimchi : Fermented Cabbage and Mom's craving.



It has been a few days since Mom's fussing about Kimchi - a fermented cabbage dish and a Korean staple.  So, being a good child i whipped up some Kimchi and after 5 days of fermentation, the Kimchi was only done yesterday morning.

We started off with a full load container of Kimchi, and then it reduced rapidly to nearly half as soon as the boys found them in the fridge! ( they were cheering seeing those inside as if they've found gold! )

I was planning to make some Kimchi Soup for todays breakfast, but this is what's left ~~


Gahh..  i'll have to make another batch of this spicy goodness again. the boys will surely ask more of em when they're back home today. 

P/S : Kimchi is very good for those with intestinal problems @ constipation. It ranked 1st in the HEALTHIEST FOOD IN THE WORLD! For those who'd like to slim down and stay fit, Kimchi should be a staple in your diet! Extremely good for flushing fats out and very good for the skin!  Enjoy it with white rice, or simply make soup or fried rice with it. 

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Melilea Organic Soya Drink, Melilea GreenField Organic, and Lea Mind Silky Soft Body Lotion : Organic Remidies


i have been taking Melilea International's product for more or less 3 months now, and i must say,it does gives out AMAZING result!

Before, i was always ill. i had this very bad asthma, migraine, i was always feverish, and i have a very bad period pain. back then, i didnt get asthma attack that often, BUT every time my asthma attacks, my face will turn blue, and i LITERALLY CANNOT BREATH! so, the doctor gave me this pill which i have to take every now and then ( atleast twice a week ), but the effect was, my hands and legs will be shaking all day long. and it does effects my daily work as i cant do anything right. on top of that, i GAINED WEIGHT! GRRRRR... those pills, inhalers and occasional injections made me gain weight! Don't tell me that i should live a healthy life and exercise, because i did. I was a very active student back then.

i dont have a severe migraine, but i'd have headache almost every day of the year! imagine living everyday of your life, every time you woke up every morning you'd have this headache that hurts up to 2 - 3 hours. it is really Annoying, ok?

everytime of the month Everytime i had my period, i'd always have this very bad ache at my waist, my back and stomach. I dont know about you, but everytime i had those period pains, sometimes i can't barely get up from bed. and the most annoying part was, my body didn't 'leaked' that much. you know, i didnt have a Normal Flow @ Heavy Flow. i had a LESS THAN NORMAL FLOW although i only had my period every 2 - 3 months  ( the longest was more than 6 month).  and i was really annoyed going through those pain and waiting. =___='''

                    So, after trying numerous products, and having almost to none effects, i bumped into                                                                                                                                                                                                             Melilea Greenfield Organic.

my stocks :D

So the first Melilea product that i consumed was Melilea Greenfield  Organic ( the one in the small bottle ) and Melilea Organic Soya Drink. Despite of it's bad taste ( it will taste better if you mix it with Soya Drink @ Apple ), i must say that it really worked it's magic.

the first week i had those, the effect really hits me. i was coughing like hell, i had a fever and i vomited 2 - 5 times a day. i didnt vomit food, but the vomit was very slimmy and greenish ( it was my duct ) and i didnt expect that i would have that much mucus in me ~ @.@ i was back to normal after 4 days of my first intake. my body started to feel lighter, more energized and my daily morning headache was slowly fading away.

around 2 weeks after my first intake, i had my first period. at first, i didnt make any fuss out of it until the second day of my period. i began to 'leak' more than i usually did, and i was happy to see it! usually 1 piece of  maxi size sanitary pad is more than enough for me, but on the second day, i changed 3 times a day. and yes, i am very pleased and happy about it, because i can feel my inner body is cleaner, and not 'clogged' anymore. my period lasted about 5 days, and the normal flow maintained every month until now. :D

so now, i'm a Melilea Consumer, and also a member. if you have problems just like me, i'd suggest you to go for their product. it REALLY REALLY WORKS! 

p/s : LeaMind losyen is very good for scars @ burns @ cuts. my mom uses it on her burn scar, and now it's gone. yes, GONE and her skin is back to normal without any trace. i used it on my cat too on her huge cut, and now there was no sign of any scars anymore. her fur grows back to normal, and she is a happier cat now :D

Coffee Ah Ho : A Fading Family Tradition

Where is your favourite grind coffee store? mine was a store called Ah Ho in Sri Aman. i didn't know if it's the actual name of the store, but the family calls it Kedai Ah-ho ( which means Ah-Ho Store in English), so Ah-Ho it is!

Ah-Ho grind coffee was the best grind coffee in the WORLD! OK, maybe in our world. ;)  Mom always buys it every time we went back to Sri Aman. the price is around RM20/Kg or so, but mom always bought around RM10 worth of grind coffee, which usually stands around 6 - 8 weeks if dad's not around or when he doesn't have that coffee crave.

the aroma was superb. fragrant, scrumptious, delicious and it smells like what coffee was suppose to smell like ( get what i mean? it doesn't smell like those instant 3 in 1 coffee. it is 1000 times better! ) . super comforting to enjoy in a cold rainy day. enjoy it together with Hap Seng crackers, and your in Heaven. <3


Rainy Day. ( Credit To Owner )


 Hap Seng Crackers. ( Credit to Google Image. )


hot hot coffee.

( Credit To  Owner )

Everytime i have these three combined : coffee, hap seng crackers and rain, it really brings me back to my childhood. family members and close friends would always sit outside on the bench or the concrete floor, covered only with newspaper and looking at the rain. feeling the cold wind on our cheeks, yet still feeling very very comfortable as we sipped on the hot coffee and dunk our crackers in it.

when i think back about it, being a child was actually so much fun than being an adult. 

Yes, it was so much fun. 

Laksa Sarawak Review : Somewhere at Satok.

Ok, last 2 days, i had a huuge LAKSA SARAWAK CRAVE. Yes, i always have that. and i mean ALWAYS.

so for breakfast i decided to have LAKSA SARAWAK somewhere at Satok. didnt notice the name of the restaurant because i was starving back then. the restaurant have a very big bright yellow signboard and had the word LAKSA written on it. 

oh well, i'll leave it to you to scout uot the name of the restaurant. ok, back to the review. 

can you see heaven now?

Despite of its very nice looks and colour, it doesn't tasted that good.  My eyes were very happy and  eager seeing it, but as soon as i tasted it, my tongue wasn't as happy. 

The shrimp wasn't fresh, and it still tasted very very fishy. kinda tasted like the pond ( get what i mean? ). 

Gravy wasn't good either as it was way too salty for me, and i can't seem to taste the Laksa spices. kept on slurping the gravy again and again, but all i can taste was spicy and salty. no Spices. i Repeat, NO SPICES.

i came around 10 AM, and my Laksa came about 5 minutes after i ordered, but to my disappointment, the Laksa served to me was warm. it wasn't Hot-warm, but more to Cold-warm. get what i mean? Laksa was best to be eaten pipping hot, or at least its Hot. with thin smoke coming out from it. but the one that was served to me was what i considered as cold Laksa.

despite of having unsatisfying Laksa, they do have a very good environment. with a warm and welcoming aura. friendly waitresses that serves you with a smile and they're polite too. no wonder the restaurant was packed with many loyal customers. 

Will i drop by again? Maybe. : ) 

Monday 4 June 2012

the fork and spoon


this is my first post.

yes, my first!

i'll be writing about ;
- foods
- drinks
- and anything that i feel, wherever i go.

so, yeah. hitch in and hold on tight. my food venture wont be as fast paced, but who knows. you might stick on those chairs with a fork and a spoon ( or a pair of chopstick ) just reading along!